Must Have Travel Items:

This is a list of the Sage family must have travel items when traveling with a baby! 


I personally rely on all of these items while traveling with our son. These items have made my life just a little bit easier when we’re away from home.

  1. GB Pockit Stroller

I have a confession, I did not buy this, I did not register for this, I didn’t even know this existed! We registered and purchased the creme de la creme of strollers, Uppababy Vista V2. My son hardly uses it… new mom fail! My best friend purchased this for me at the recommendation of a coworker and she hit the nail on the head! We used it on our first trip to Hawaii in January of 2022 and it works! My son who doesn’t sit in his fancy stroller sat in this one, he even fell asleep in it! It is a very lightweight stroller and folds down to fit in the overhead bin on a plane. The stroller weighs less than 3lbs and has a small basket under the seat for keys and wallets. I can stand by this stroller as it has survived multiple trips with us and conquered our two week trip to the UK. We have the simplest version but GB Pockit offers other strollers that have more bells of whistles if you desire.

Our son fast asleep in the GB Pockit Stroller



2. Ergo baby Omni 360 Carrier

This carrier has become a noun in our household. While packing you will commonly hear, “did you pack the Ergo!”. I am not kidding when I say never leave home without it! My son lived in this thing his first year, now that he is walking we use it when he naps and doesn’t want to be in the stroller. Some kids just want to be with mom all the time. We have started exploring the different configurations it has such as side carry and on the back!

This is one of those baby items, the second I think he has outgrown it we find ourselves using it again and again. You don’t need to buy the fanciest baby carrier out there, but I do recommend one that has a high weight limit and multiple carry configurations.

Here is a link to the ErgoBaby Omni 360, but seriously check out other options they list. My biggest take away is get yourself a sturdy carrier for travel and you’ll thank yourself later! 

3. Car seat bag

*I never think to get a picture of this when were in the airport because we usually have alot going on, we have a flight in January 2023, I will make sure to get a photo of my husband in action with the car seat bag* 

If you read my post about losing our luggage you know I do not check bags, include car seats with that! We normally rent a car on our trips and to save money we will bring our own car seat and gate check it. Since my son is going to be sitting in the seat, we wanted to protect it a little bit from the elements and dirt in the cargo hold. Some bags cost hundreds, but honestly they all do the same job. We found this bag on Amazon and it’s relatively inexpensive and gets the job done. It also has backpack-like straps so my husband can carry it and it’s less awkward while getting around the airport.

4. Boogie Bottom Diaper Rash Spray


Hands free butt paste!

This probably seems weird, but when you’re changing a diaper in a plane bathroom the last thing you want is butt paste all over your hands or that cool spatula thing. I found this spray-able butt paste at target and it is our go to butt cream when travel until our son is out of diapers. We don’t need butt paste usually, but after a day at Disneyland in diapers, anyone and everyone is bound to get some irritation so better to have it than not!


5. Apple air tags

This is an item I never saw the value in until we lost our luggage! I read an article about a man who lost his luggage and the airline said it wasn’t at the airport, because of his Apple air tags he was able to retrieve it! Can you imagine! I wish we had them during our trip this past summer, maybe we would have found my husband’s bag. We decided to splurge and get them for future use if we decide to check a bag. In the meantime, we use them for our gate check items, car keys, and our parked car!